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 H. J. MacDonald Middle School

Warcubs PPTO

“Paws-itive” Parent Teacher Organization

PPTO Board Members:

HUG Volunteer Coordinator -


Vice President



Principal- Stacey Gillette 

  • Our Role: To encourage closer links between home and school. PTOs are best known for their fundraising work, but they have a useful social function too.
  • Our Goals through successful Parental, Administration and Staff support, we would like to accomplish and or support the efforts for the following:
  1. Classroom Support: needed teacher/student supplies
  2. Staff morale boosters: remind our staff & teachers that we are grateful for all they are doing and celebrate them; ie…share items for a staff breakfast, sweets & or treats on special occasions and ‘just because’
  3. Mini-Project-TBD after reviewing the school needs
  4. Support Teacher Appreciation Week (May 6-10th)
  5. Support the 8th Grade Dance

Why you should join us: The number one reason to join the Parent Teacher Organization is to benefit your child. The PTO offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students. You can tap into a network of other active parents. Parenting is not easy—it helps to share ideas, concerns and experiences with other parents and educators in the community.

SAVE the DATE of meetings and upcoming EVENTS:

PPTO Meeting Dates (5:30-6:30pm HJM Cafeteria): October 21, November 18, December 16, January 13, February 10, March 23, April 20, May 18

We look forward to getting to know you 

 & appreciate the support!